Our junior section has gone from strength to strength over the last couple of years, due mainly to the efforts of our superb junior organiser and the coaching staff. Juniors have their own club and match practice sessions
throughout the week to encourage both the social and competitive side of play.
Juniors play in their own age bands, using different types of balls, smaller nets and half court play where necessary, in order to make it as enjoyable as possible for them, no matter what their physical size and strength. It's all about having fun and playing tennis! Our coaches take great care in making sure that juniors are not put in a position where they are out of their depth, but at the same time push kids to play to the maximum of their ability.
For those that want to, and have the ability, tournaments are available both within the club and on a wider County basis. Many of our juniors compete in these external tournaments and are getting some great results! We also have several junior teams that play in the local leagues, and we actively encourage younger players to move up to the senior teams as soon as they are able.
The junior section is a very important part of the club and is totally supported by the Chairman and members of the committee in its efforts to encourage kids to take up and play the game of tennis